汪承潤,男,安徽金寨縣人,2008年晉升為副教授,2012年破格晉升為教授,安徽大學與淮南師范學院聯合培養碩士生導師,淮南師范學院532拔尖人才。2003年畢業于徐州師范大學,獲遺傳學碩士學位;2008年畢業于南京大學環境學院,獲環境科學專業工學博士學位。主持并完成了國家自然科學基金面上項目1項、省級科研項目1項、廳級項目2項?,F主持省級科研項目2項、廳級項目2項。發表論文44余篇,其中以第一作者和通訊作者發表SCI論文12篇。主要承擔《生物化學》、《分子生物學》、《環境生物技術》和《環境毒理學》等課程的教學任務。國際SCI期刊“Journal of Hazardous Materials”、“Mutation Research”、“Environmental science and pollution research”和“Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology”等審稿人。
1.Chengrun Wang, Jiajun Xiao,Yuan Tian, Xia Bao, Ling Liu, Yan Yu, Xiaorong Wang, Tianyu Chen. Antioxidant and prooxidant effects of lanthanum ions on Vicia faba L. seedlings under cadmium stress, suggesting ecological risk. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2012, 31(6): 1355–1362.
2.Chengrun Wang, Xun Luo, Yuan Tian, Ying Xie, Shunchang Wang, Yueyun Li, Liumin Tian, Xiaorong Wang. Biphasic effects of lanthanum on Vicia faba L. seedlings under cadmium stress, implicating finite antioxidation and potential ecological risk. Chemosphere, 2012, 86: 530–537.
3.Chengrun Wang, Cuie Shi, Ling Liu, Chen Wang, Wei Qiao,Zhimang Gu, Xiaorong Wang. Lanthanum element induced imbalance of mineral nutrients, HSP 70 production and dna-protein crosslink, leading to hormetic response of cell cycle progression in root tips of Vicia faba L. seedlings. Dose-Response, 2012, 10: 96–107.
4.Chengrun Wang, Kegui Zhang, Mei He, Chuanjun Jiang, Liumin Tian, Yuan Tian, Xiaorong Wang. Mineral nutrient imbalance, DNA lesion and DNA-protein crosslink involved in growth retardation of Vicia faba L. seedlings exposed to lanthanum ions. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2012, 24(2): 1–7.
5.Chengrun Wang, Mei He, Wen Shi, Jessie Wong, Tao Cheng, Xiaorong Wang, Lingling Hu, Fenfen Chen. Toxicological effects involved in risk assessment of rare earth lanthanum on roots of Vicia faba L. seedlings. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23 (10): 1721–1728.
6.Chengrun Wang, Xianwen Lu, Yuan Tian, Tao Cheng, Lingling Hu, Fenfen Chen, Chuanjun Jiang, Xiaorong Wang. Lanthanum resulted in unbalance of nutrient elements and disturbance of cell proliferation cycles in V. faba L. seedlings. Biol Trace Elem Res, 2011, 143: 1174–1181.
7.Chengrun Wang, Xueyuan Gu, Xiaorong Wang, Hongyan Guo, Jinju Geng, Hongxia Yu, Jian Sun. Stress response and potential biomarkers in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) seedlings exposed to soil lead. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2011, 74: 41–47.
8.Chengrun Wang, Yuan Tian, Xiaorong Wang, Hongxia Yu, Xianwen Lu, Chen Wang, Hao Wang. Hormesis effects and implicative application in assessment of lead-contaminated soils in roots of Vicia faba seedlings. Chemosphere, 2010, 80: 965–971.
9.Chengrun Wang,Yuan Tian, Xiaorong Wang, Jinju Geng, Jinlin Jiang, Hongxia Yu, Chen Wang. Lead-contaminated soil induced oxidative stress, defense response and its indicative biomarkers in roots of Vicia faba seedlings. Ecotoxicology, 2010, 19: 1130–1139.
10.Chengrun wang, Xiaorong wang, Yuan Tian, Hongxia Yu,Xueyuan Gu, Wenchao Du, Hui Zhou. Oxidative stress, defense response and early biomarkers for lead-contaminated soil in vicia faba seedlings. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2008, 27 (4): 970–977.
11.Chengrun Wang, Xiaorong Wang,Yuan Tian, Yingang Xue, Xianghua Xu, Yunxia Sui, Hongxia Yu. Oxidative Stress and Potential Biomarkers in Tomato Seedlings Subjected to Soil Lead Contamination. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2008, 71: 685–691.
12.Wang Ning, Wang Chengrun*, Bao Xia, Li Yueyun, Tian Liumin, Zou Huixian, Wang Xiaorong*. Toxicological effects and risk assessment of lanthanum ions on leaves of Vicia faba L. seedlings. Journal of Rare Earths, 2011, 29(10): 997–1003.
13.汪承潤,王曉蓉,于紅霞,喬松,張寶剛,孫劍.運用蠶豆幼苗葉片生物標志物評價鉛污染土壤. 環境科學,2008,29(11):261-266.