姓 名: 劉良國(博士)
性 別: 男
學科專業: 水生動物的遺傳與發育
研究方向: 水生動物的遺傳與發育
主要從事水生生物資源及魚類分子遺傳方向研究工作。主持的課題有:國家自然科學基金面上項目(No.30972260);農業部水生動物遺傳育種和養殖生物學重點開放實驗室項目(No.BZ2003-6);湖南省自然科學基金項目(No.08JJ3029);湖南省科技廳項目(No.2009NK3118);湖南省教育廳項目(No.05C714);湖南文理學院科研重點項目(No.JJZD0904)等10余項。此外還參加了國家杰出青年科學基金、973子課題、國家公益性行業科研專項、湖南省杰出青年基金等多項課題研究。在Chinese Science Bulletin、Aquaculture、Fish Physiology and Biochemistry、Progress in Natural Science、Science in China C: Life Sciences、科學通報、中國科學、自然科學進展、遺傳學報、中國生物化學與分子生物學報、水生生物學報、應用與環境生物學報等國內外核心期刊上發表科研論文40 余篇。
[1] LIU LiangGuo, YAN JinPeng, LIU ShaoJun, et al. Evolutionary analysis of allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp× common carp, based on ISSR、AFLP molecular markers and cloning of cyclins genes. Chinese Science Bulletin,2009, 54(16):2849-2861 (SCI)
[2] Liangguo Liu, Cuiping You, Shaojun Liu, et al. Cloning and evolutionary analysis of cyclin B gene introns in cyprinids with different ploidy levels. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19(9):1103-1108 (SCI)
[3] Jun Zhao*, Liang-guo Liu*, Xiang-lin Chen, et al. Karyotypic analysis of the multiple tetraploid allogynogenetic pengze crucian carp and its parents. Aquaculture, 237 (2004)117-129 (SCI)
[4] Jinpeng Yan*, Liangguo Liu*, Shaojun Liu, et al. Comparative analysis of the mitochondrial control region in polyploid hybrids of red crucian carp(Carassius auratus) ×blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2010, 36:263-272 (SCI)
[5] Dong Liu,Shaojun Liu, Liangguo Liu, et al. Characterization of a Novel Tc1-Like Transposon From Bream(Cyprinidae, Megalobrama) and Its Genetic Variationin the Polyploidy Progeny of Bream–Red Crucian Carp Crosses. J Mol Evol (2009) 69:395–403(SCI)
[6] Tao min, Liu shao jun, Liu liang guo, et al. The cloning of Dmc1 cDNAs and a comparative study of its expression in different ploidy cyprinid fishes. Science in China C: Life Sciences,2008,51(1):38-46(SCI)
[7] Dong Liu,Shaojun Liu, Liangguo Liu, et al. Comparative analysis and evolutionary significance of the HMG1 gene in crucian carp, blunt snout bream, and their polyploid progeny.Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19:1691-1697 (SCI)
[8] Liu liang-guo, Yang ping-hong,Wang wen-bin, et al. Comparative analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region of seven strains of Carassius auratus including Dongtingking crucian carp. 2010 International Fish Genomic Research Conference: 46-47(國際學術會議論文)
[9] Liu Liang-guo, Zhao Jun, Cui Miao, et al. RAPD analysis of two clones in gynogenetic pengze crucian carp, Carassius auratus of pengze. International Workshop on Fish Genetics and Development, CAS, 2004:95(國際學術會議論文)
[10] Zhao Jun, Liu Liang-guo, Cui Miao, et al. Molecular analysis of the multiple tetroploid pengze crucian carp and it’s parents, based on RAPD markers. International Workshop on Fish Genetics and Development, CAS, 2004:94(國際學術會議論文)
[11] 劉良國,顏金鵬,劉少軍,等. 基于ISSR,AFLP分子標記和cyclins基因克隆的異源四倍體鯽鯉進化分析. 科學通報,2009,54(14):2096-2107
[12] 劉良國,尤翠平,劉少軍,等. 不同倍性鯉科魚Cyclin B基因內含子克隆與進化分析.自然科學進展,2009,19(6):611-618
[13] 劉良國,趙俊,陳湘粦,等. 彭澤鯽兩個雌核發育克隆的染色體組型分析. 遺傳學報,2004, 31(8):780-786
[14] 劉良國,陶 敏,段 巍,等. 異源四倍體鯽鯉及其原始父母本細胞周期蛋白B基因克隆與分子遺傳分析.中國生物化學與分子生物學報,2007,23(10):849-858
[15] 劉良國,趙俊,陳湘粦. 彭澤鯽兩個雌核發育克隆的RAPD分析. 水生生物學報,2008,32(2):213-219
[16] 劉良國,楊品紅,王文彬,等. 洞庭青鯽與其它6個鯽魚品系線粒體DNA控制區的比較分析. 水生生物學報,2010,34(2):378-387
[17] 劉良國,趙俊,呂鳳義,等. 產生全雄子代羅非魚親本的分子標記及其遺傳多樣性分析. 應用與環境生物學報,2007,13(6):830-833
[18] 陶敏,劉少軍,劉良國,等.不同倍性鯽鯉魚Dmc1基因cDNA的克隆及表達分析. 中國科學C輯,2007,37(6):625-633
[19] 劉東,劉臻,劉少軍,劉良國,等. 不同倍性鯽魴高遷移率族蛋白1基因的克隆和原核表達. 自然科學進展,2009,19(8):819-828
[20] 劉良國,楊春英,楊品紅,等. 洞庭青鯽等5個鯽魚品系線粒體ATPase基因序列的比較分析. 淡水漁業,2011,41(1):36-42