[17] 楊文(研究生),李文敬,李雙,楊琰.基于基因表達式編程的多數據流分類并行算法. 華中科技大學學報(自然科學版),2013,40(增刊):116-119.(EI收錄)
[18]李文敬,李雙,元昌安. 基于多核機群的事務內存并行編程模型的研究. 小型微型計算機系統,2014,35(8):1732-1737. (核心期刊)
[19] 楊文(研究生),李文敬,李雙. 基于GEP的流數據分類壓縮并行算法研究. 廣西師范大學學報(自然科學版), 2013,31(3):87-93.(核心期刊)
[20] 李雙(研究生),李文敬,楊文,徐照松.基于STM 的人工魚群并行算法的研究. 廣西大學學報(自然科學版), 2013,38(6):1444-1450.(核心期刊)
[21] 李文敬,廖偉志,元昌安,李雙.高級Petri 網并行化預處理方法的研究. 廣西大學學報(自然科學版),2013,38(5):1100-1107.(核心期刊)
[22] 李雙(研究生),李文敬,孫環龍,林中明.基于多核機群的人工魚群并行算法. 計算機應用,2013,33(12):3380-3384.(核心期刊)
[23] Wenjing LI, Shuang LI, Zhong-ming Lin, Weizhi LIAO. Research on Petri nets parallelization the functional divided conditions. 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, Publicshed by IEEE conference publishing services ,2013,pp.50-54.(EI:20135217141918)
[24] Wenjing LI, Shuang LI,Shuju Li, Weizhi LIAO. Study on Function Partition Strategy of Petri Nets Parallelization. 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, Publicshed by IEEE conference publishing services ,2013,pp.89-94.(EI:20135217141925)
[25] Weizhi LIAO,Wenjing LI. Automatic concurrent Program Generation from Petri nets. 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, Publicshed by IEEE conference publishing services ,2013,pp.34-39.(EI:20135217141915)
[26] Weizhi LIAO,Wenjing LI, Zhenxiong LAN. A Modelling and Analysis Tool for Systems with Probabilistic Behavior: Probabilistic Continuous Petri Net. 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, Publicshed by IEEE conference publishing services ,2013,pp.44-49.(EI:20135217141917)
[27] Yi-juan SU, Zhi ZHONG,Wen-jing LI.Approximation of Missing Values for Classification and Regression. Advanced Materials Research , (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland,Vols. 734-737 (2013):2938-2944.(EI:20134016818872)
[28] 廖偉志,李文敬,陸建波.基于沖突檢測的一階混雜Petri網動態行為演變方法[J]. 計算機科學,2013,40(11):299-303,309. (核心期刊)
[29] Ze-yu Tang,Wen-jing LI , Xuan Wang. Parallelism Analysis and Algorithm design of Petri Net. 2014 13th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, Publicshed by IEEE conference publishing services ,2014,pp.144-148. (EI:20150500491159)
[30] XuanWang, Wen-jing LI ,Ze-yu Tang. Research and Implementation of Petri nets parallelization model. 2014 13th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, Publicshed by IEEE conference publishing services ,2014,pp.183-187. (EI:20150500491184)
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