職 稱:教授
學 位:博士
研究方向: 金屬膦酸功能分子材料的設計合成和性能研究
1. 新型高效金屬有機膦酸染料敏化太陽能電池的研發
(2009.11-2011.12‚ No. HAG09054-12) ,淮安市科技支撐計劃(工業)項目, 項目負責人
2. 多核環籠狀過渡金屬膦酸磁性材料的控制合成
(2010.09-2012.12‚ No.10KJD150001) ,江蘇省高校自然科學研究面上項目, 項目負責人
3. 高效咔唑基金屬配合物光敏化劑的設計合成與光伏性能研究
(2012.07-2014.06‚ No. 12KJA15004 ) , 江蘇省高校自然科學研究重大項目 (A 類 ) , 第三參加人
4. 光電轉換與儲能材料高技術重點實驗室
(2013.01-2014.12) , 淮安市科技計劃項目, 主要參加人
1. Three M(II)-diphosphonate coordination polymers withN-heterocyclic group (M = Ni, Fe, Mg): Synthesis, characterization andmagnetic properties, K.-R. Ma *, Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Kan , X.-J. Yang, M.-H.Cong Synthetic Met ., 2013, 182, 40-48.
2. Two novel Cu(II) diphosphonates: Structural, spectral and magnetic studies, K.-R. Ma *, Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Kan , H.-Y. Hu, M.-H.Cong, Y.-J. Zhang Spectrochim Acta A ., 2013, 115, 829-834.
3. Syntheses, Structures and Magnetic Properties of Two Novel Cu(II) Diphosphonate Coordination Polymers with N-Heterocyclic Auxiliary Ligand, K.-R. Ma*, C.-L. Wei, Y. Zhang, M.-H. Cong, H.-Y. Hu J. Inorg. organomet. Polym ., 2013, 23, 629-637.
4. The structure and properties of a 3-D pillared-layered metal organic framework Cu(II)-diphosphonate, X.-M. Zhao, K.-R. Ma*, Y. Zhang, X.-J. Yang, M.-Hui Cong Inorg. Chim. Acta , 2012, 388, 33-36.
5. N -heterocyclic amine-directed structures and properties of two Cu(II) Diphosphonates, K.-R. Ma *, F. Ma, Y. L. Zhu, L.-J. Yu, X.-M. Zhao, Y. Yang and W.-H. Duan Dalton Trans ., 2011, 40, 9774-9781.
6. A Two-Dimensional Terrace-Like N-heterocyclic-Pb(II) Coordination Compound:Structure and Photoluminescence Property, Kui-Rong Ma *, Yu-Lan Zhu, Yu Zhang, Rong-Qing Li, and Li Cao Bull. Korean Chem. Soc ., 2011, 32(3), 894-898.
7. In Situ: 2-D Inorganic Layer Lead-MOF Built from [(μ 4 -O)Pb 4 ] Core, Kui-Rong Ma *, Hua-You Hu, Yu-Lan Zhu, Yu Zhang, Rong-Qing Li, Feng Ma J. Clust. Sci ., 2011, 2(22), 267-277.
8. Structure and Characterization of a Novel 3D Lead Phosphonate Metal–Organic Framework with Cationic Layer Based onWeak Pb–O(N) Contact, Kui-Rong Ma *, Dao-Jun Zhang , and Yu-Lan Zhu Aust. J. Chem ., 2010, 63, 452-457.
9. Solvothermal syntheses, characterizations and properties of three transition-metal (Ni II , Co II ) imino-carboxylate-diphosphonates, K. R. Ma, J. N. Xu*, L. R. Zhang, J. Shi, D. J. Zhang, Y. L. Zhu, Y. Fan, T. Y. Song* New J. Chem ., 2009, 33, 886-892.
10. Solvothermal syntheses, characterizations and properties of two new Ni II -PMIDA phosphonates, K. R. Ma, J. N. Xu*, D. K. Ning, J. Shi, D. J. Zhang, Y. Fan and T. Y. Song* Inorg. Chem. Commun ., 2009, 12, 119-121.
11. Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of a new ZnII-PMIDA phosphonate, Ma Kui-Rong*, Zhu Yu-Lan, Yin Qi-Fan J. Coord. Chem. , 2009, 62(20), 3243-3249.
1. 淮安市第十三屆 (2008-2009 年度 ) 自然科學優秀論文三等獎, 2010 年
2. 淮安市第十四屆 (2010-2011 年度 ) 自然科學優秀論文三等獎, 2012 年