(1)主持完成國家自然科學基金項目:(a)“平滑肌肌球蛋白活性的雙向調節研究”,項目編號:No:30772601;(b)“肌球蛋白輕鏈激酶對肌球蛋白的非鈣依賴性磷酸化研究”項目編號:30070203; (c)“肌球蛋白與肌動蛋白相互作用調節中的“雙向調節”機制”, 項目編號:39670166。
代表性文章(* 通訊作者)
1. Xiong YJ, Chen DP, Yu CC, Lv BC, Peng JY, Wang JY, and Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Citrus nobiletin ameliorates experimental colitis by reducing inflammation and restoring impaired intestinal barrier function. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2015, Feb 6 (已接受并已在PubMed 上發表). doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201400614.
2. Xiong YJ, Chen, D Peng JY, Wang, JY, Lv, BC, Liu FF, Lin, Y(林原,通訊)* Characteristics of evodiamine-exerted stimulatory effects on rat jejunal contractility. Nat Prod Res, 2015, 29: 388 - 391.
3. Yao, QY, Chen, DP, Ye, DM, Diao, YP, Lin, Y(林原,通訊)*. Modulatory effects of taurine on jejunal contractility. Braz J Med Biol Res, 2014, 47: 1068 -1074.
4. Chen DP, Xiong, YJ, and Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Dual Role of MAPK Pathway in the Regulation of Intestinal Barrier Function. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 2014, 20: E16 - E16.
5. Xiong YJ, Chen, DP, Lv, BC; Liu, FF Yao, QY, Tang, ZY, Lin, Y(林原,通訊)*.Effects of ginsenoside Re on rat jejunal contractility. J Nat Med, 2014, 68: 530 - 538.
6. Xiong YJ, Chen DP, Lv BC, Liu FF, Wang Li, and Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Characteristics of nobiletin-induced effects on jejunal contractility. Fitoterapia, 2014, 94: 1 - 9.
7. Liu FF, Chen, DP, Xiong, YJ Lv, BC, Lin, Y(林原,通訊)*. Characteristics of Diprophylline-Induced Bidirectional Modulation on Rat Jejunal Contractility. Korean J Physiol & Pha, 2014, 18: 47 - 53.
8. Chen DP, Xiong, YJ, Jiang CL, Lv BC, Liu FF, Wang L, Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Effects of ginsenosides on rat jejunal contractility. Pharm Biol, 2014, 52: 162 - 168.
9. Chen, DP, Lin, Y (林原,通訊)*, X YJ. Epithelial MLCK and Smooth Muscle MLCK May Play Different Roles in the Development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Digest Dis Sci, 2014, 59: 1068 - 1069.
10. Zhang Y, Zhang, HL, Tang, ZY, Kohama, K, Lin, Y (林原,通訊)*. Inverse interaction between tropomyosin and phosphorylated myosin in the presence or absence of caldesmon. Acta Bioch Bioph Sin, 2013, 45 : 601 - 606.
11. Chen DP, Xiong YJ, Lv BC, Liu FF, Wang L, Tang ZY, Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Effects of berberine on rat jejunal motility. J Pharm Pharmacol, 2013, 65:734-744.
12. Yao QY, Wang L, Du Z, Li K, Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Characterization and biological evaluation of structurally modified taurine using benzaldehydes. Asian J Chem, 2013, 25: 7843 - 7846.
13. Ye DM, Zhang, HL, Wang L, Yao QY, Lin Y(林原,通訊)*., Li K. Synthesis, Crystal Structural and Activities of a New Schiff Base Derived from 2,4,5-Trimethoxybenzaldehyde. Asian J Chem, 2013, 25: 4629 - 4631.
14. Xiong YJ, Chen DP, Lv, BC, Liu, FF, Wang, L, Lin, Y. The characteristics of genistin-induced inhibitory effects on intestinal motility. Arch Phar Res, 2013, 36 : 345 - 352.
15. Chen DP, Xiong YJ, Tang ZY, Yao QY, Ye DM, Liu SS, Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Characteristics of deslanoside-induced modulation on jejunal contractility. World J. Gastroentero, 2012, 18: 5889-5896. 10.3748/wjg.v18.i41.5889.
16. Chen DP, Xiong YJ, Wang L, Lv BC, Lin Y(林原,通訊)*.. Characteristics of emodin on modulating the contractility of jejunal smooth muscle. Can J Physiol Pharm, 2012, 90 : 455 - 462.
17. Chen DP, Xiong YJ, Tang ZY, Lv, BC, Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Inhibitory effects of daidzein on intestinal motility in normal and high contractile states. Phar Biol, 2012, 50: 1561 - 1566.
18. Zhang Y, Tang, ZY, Kohama K, and Lin Y(林原,通訊)*. Interaction between myosin and a trace amount of caldesmon. J Biochem, 2011, 150: 267 - 270.
19. Tang ZY, Liu ZN, Fu L, Chen, DP, Ai QD, Lin Y. Effect of lithium on smooth muscle contraction and phosphorylation of myosin Light chain by MLCK. Physiol Res, 2010, 59: 919 - 926.