在教學SB2A Unit 2 No smoking, please! 一課時,筆者首先拿出一根煙,問:“What’s this?”生答:“A cigarette!”接站筆者把香煙剝開,指著黃橙橙的煙絲問:“What does it contain!”生答:“A drug called nicotine.”師問:“Is smoking good for our health?”學生回答不一。這樣以實物展示,使學生們的觀點發生分歧,和者因勢利導,說:“OK, now let’s come to the new passage—No smoking, please! After reading, you’ll find out whether your ideas are right or wrong.”
在教SB2A Unit 9 Saving the earth 一課時,筆者首先向學生們展示了兩幅環境遭到破壞的圖片,問:“What can you see in the two pictures?”學生回答:“Trees are cut down.”“People throw plastic bags here and there. It is known as ‘white pollution’。”簡短的問答一下子把學生們吸引住了。隨后,筆者說:“A lot of damage is being caused to the world. Our earth is in danger now. We must do something to save the earth.”這樣,以圖畫很自然地導入了新課。
在教學SB1B Unit 17 The necklace一課時,筆者首先向學生講述:There was once a couple in France. The husband was a clerk in the government. They were not very rich, but the wife liked showing off. One day her husband brought an invitation to the palace ball. The wife wanted to wear some jewellery, but they couldn’t afford, they borrowed a necklace from one of their friends. Unfortunately they lost it, so they had to borrow a large sum of money and buy a new necklace.
After that they had to work very hard for 10 years to pay off their debts……以這樣一個故事作為開頭,設置了懸念,引人入勝,激發了學生的求知欲,他們帶著強烈的好奇心去讀課文,以全面了解故事的情節。
在教學SB2A Unit 3 Body language 一課時,筆者先請幾個學生到講臺上來表演,讓他們表演各種表情或動作,其他學生來說出其意思,如:nod the head, thumbs down, shake the head, put up a hand, make a face……這樣的表演,盡管不是惟妙惟肖,但也確實激發了學生們的興趣,為課文中更多體態語言的出現作了很好的鋪墊。
在教學SB1A Unit 2 Country music, SB2B Unit 21 Music 兩課時,筆者先讓學生欣賞一首歌或一首樂曲,然后問是誰唱了這首歌或創作了這首樂曲,然后引出更多的歌手或作曲家,并引導出folk music, pop music, modern music, classic music等音樂種類,還有violin, piano, flute, Erhu等樂器。通過歌曲、樂曲、歌手、音樂種類、樂器的展示,讓學生對音樂有了充分的感知,使他們對課文的深入學習產生了濃濃的興趣。