NUDT Library was originally set up in Harbin in 1953. Its predecessor, known as Library of PLAMilitary Engineering Institute (MEI), was moved southward to Changsha together with the main body of the institute in 1970. In 1999, as Changsha Institute of Artillery, Changsha Institute of Engineering Corps and Changsha Institute of Political Science were incorporated into NUDT, the libraries of the three institutes were also merged into NUDT Library. At present, the Library comprises three branches which lie on Campus 1, 3 and 4 respectively, covering a total area of over 47,000 m2with 4,300-odd seats open 90hours a week.
NUDT Library has established a system of literature resources that focuses on key disciplines in science and engineering, features military literature and develops in balance in science, engineering, military, literature, management, economics and philosophy. The Library now boastsover 3,600,000 printed documents (copies), including over 2,500,000 Chinese and foreign books,900,000 microfiches and 200,000 copies of paper-based sci-tech reports and unpublished data. She subscribes to more than 4000 journals and periodicalsfrom home and abroadeach year. The established digital library, constituted of 97 largecomprehensive databases and 167 special databases or sub-databases, has achieved internationalsynchronized retrievalamong SCI, EI, CPCI-S (formerly called ISTP) and otherforeign literature databases. The Library has built extensive resources-sharing and cooperative relationships with domestic and foreign libraries and information sectors.
By following the service philosophy of “People Oriented, Readers First”, NUDT Library has introduced a modern management mode integrating “book reservation, loan, reading, searching and consultation” and brought about unified management, catalog-making, retrieval and inter-branch loan and returning. While doing well in the basic services, the Library extends service channels, innovates service models and actively provides user training, reference and advisory service, sci-tech novelty search, inter-library loan, document delivery, selective dissemination of information, information push and other in-depth services using modern technology.