一、新絲路產業集團 I. New Silk Road Industry Group (NSR) 新絲路產業集團成立于1989年,是中國成立最早、規模最大、影響最廣并始終處于時尚行業領先地位的國際知名時尚品牌機構,選拔并培養了瞿穎、馬艷麗、陳娟紅、杜鵑、胡兵、于娜、劉雯、李靜雯等國際知名模特,打造了首位華人世界小姐冠軍張梓琳,被譽為“中國名模的搖籃”和“中國時尚通往世界的天橋”。 Foundedin 1989, the New Silk Road Industry Group (NSR) is one of the earliestestablished, most influential and internationally recognized fashioninstitutions in China. Over the past three decades, NSR has steadfastlymaintained its leading position in the fashion industry through the trainingand development of homegrown talent into global fashion models. These includethe likes of models Jennifer Du, Harvey Hu, Yi Na, Liu Wen, Li Jingwen, andmost notably the first ever Chinese Miss World champion in 2007, Zhang Zilin. Asa result, NSR has earned a reputation as the ‘Cradle of China's top models’ the‘FashionBridge’that connects China to the rest of the globe. 2016年新絲路產業集團與廈門理工學院合作成立新絲路時尚學院,2019年與海口經濟學院合作舉辦新絲路時尚體育學院與南海美術學院時尚系,開展本科層次的時尚類專業學歷教育。 In2016, NSR and the Xiamen University of Technology collaborated by jointlyestablishing the New Silk Road Fashion Academy. In 2019, NSR partnered with theHaikou University of Economics to form the New Silk Road Fashion Sports Academyand the Fashion Department of the Nanhai Academy of Fine Arts, offeringstudents undergraduate level fashion education. 新絲路產業集團不僅是一家培養模特與賽事運營的時尚機構,也是培養時尚全產業鏈人才、打造和引領時尚健康生活方式的時尚文化和時尚教育的新型產業集團。 NSR is not merely a fashioninstitution that produces models and organises events, but rather a group thataims to nurture talent across the entire fashion industry chain and promote ahealthy, fashionable lifestyle through fashion culture education.
二、海南東方新絲路職業學院 II. New Silk Road College (NSRC) 2023年7月經海南省人民政府批準,新絲路產業集團創建海南東方新絲路職業學院(New Silk Road College,簡稱“新絲路學院”,NSRC),海南省教育廳主管,海南省市場監督管理局注冊登記,系海南自由貿易港西部地區第一所高等職業院校。 In July 2023, with theapproval of the People’s Government of Hainan Province, NSR established theHainan Dongfang New Silk Road College (NSRC). Overseen by The EducationDepartment of Hainan Province and registered with the Hainan ProvincialAdministration for Market Regulation, the NSRC is the first higher vocationalinstitution in the western region of the Hainan Free Trade Port.
三、學院地理位置 III. College Geographical Location 新絲路學院位于素有“花梨之鄉”美譽的海南省東方市,擁有海南最大的熱帶平原和134公里海岸線,陽光、海水、沙灘、溫泉、熱帶雨林資源豐富,風景秀麗,是理想的學習場所。 Located in the city of Dongfang, HainanProvince, also known as the ‘Rosewood Town’ of China, the New Silk Road Collegeis part of Hainan's largest tropical plain and its 134 km coastline. The city’sbeautiful scenery composed of beaches, hot springs and tropical rainforests servesas an inspirational and ideal place to pursue one’s education. 學院地處東方市金月灣旅游度假區,背山面海,東近尖峰嶺著名風景區,西鄰北部灣,緊靠金月灣海岸線、海南環島旅游公路、海南環島高鐵“金月灣站”、海南環島高速入口、海南環島旅游公路,交通十分方便、快捷。 The college is situated in the Jin Yue Baytourist resort area of Dongfang City. It is located underneath the mountainranges and faces the sea. The campus lays beside the famous Jinfeng Ridge andthe Beibu Gulf along the Jin Yue coastline. In terms of transport, the campusis close to both the Hainan Island Highway and the Hainan Island High-SpeedRailway (Jin Yue Bay Station), making it easy to commute for visitors andstudents.
四、學院辦學規模 IV. College Operational Scale 校園占地400多畝,建筑面積30多萬平方米,建有教學樓、食堂、體育場、學生宿舍、教師公寓、實驗實訓中心、國際交流中心、科創中心、圖書館、行政樓、高爾夫球場、馬術訓練場等,可容納5000多名學生學習和生活,教職員工400多人。 The campus covers more than 400 mu(approximately 26.67 hectares or 66 acres), with a construction area of over300,000 square meters. It has teaching buildings, canteens, sports fields,student dormitories, faculty apartments, experimental training centers,international exchange centers, science and innovation centers, libraries,administrative buildings, golf courses, and even fields for equestriantraining. It can accommodate over 5,000 students and more than 400 faculty andadministrative staff.
五、學院辦學理念 V. College EducationalPhilosophy 堅持以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,全面貫徹黨的教育方針,以產教融合為核心,深度融合學校與企業資源,培養專業基礎知識扎實、技術技能過硬的高素質技術技能人才,做時尚品牌與健康生活方式的積極引領者與有效供給者,促成學生充分創業就業。 Thecollege adheres to Xi Jinping's guidelines on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for the new era. It fully implements the Party's educationalpolicies, focusing on the integration of industry and education as the core andcombines resources from both schools and enterprises to cultivate high-qualitytechnical talents with solid foundational knowledge and excellent technicalskills. This will develop our students into future leaders and effectiveproviders of fashion brands and healthy lifestyles, and lead to fullentrepreneurship and employment among students. 六、學院辦學定位
VI. CollegeEducational Positioning 學院秉持“自強不息止于至善學以致用知行合一”的辦學思想,以傳承新絲路三十五年“時尚與健康”的品牌傳承為使命,開展以現代服務、文化藝術、休閑體育、網絡傳播、智能科技為主的專業設置,為社會經濟發展、產業升級轉型培養應用型、服務型、開放型、國際化為特色的高等職業教育。 The college adheres to the educationalphilosophy of ‘continuousself-improvement, striving for perfection, application of learning andintegration of knowledge and action’. With the mission of carrying forward the NewSilk Road's 35-year brand legacy of ‘fashion and health’, itoffers majors in modern services, cultural arts, leisure sports, digitalcommunication, and digital technology. It aims to use an application-oriented,service-based, and international higher education for social and economicdevelopment and industrial upgrading and transformation.
七、學院辦學特色 VII.College Educational Features
1.專業設置 1. Major Settings 學院專注新絲路“時尚、健康”為基礎的現代服務業產業轉型升級,根據產業發展趨勢、就業市場前景及學院資源稟賦開設相關專業,將“產、教、賽、訓、創就業”充分融合,產教融合、以教促產、以產助教、產學合作,將“專業對口率、產教融合率、創就業率”作為學院人才培養的專業目標。 Focusingon the New Silk Road's foundation of ‘fashion and health’ for thetransformation and upgrading of the modern service industry, the college offersmajors based on industry development trends, job market prospects, and collegeresources. It fully integrates ‘industry,education, competition, training, entrepreneurship and employment creation’. Itpromotes industry-education integration, education-driven production,production-assisted education, and industry-academia cooperation, with specificprofessional goals for talent cultivation. These include programs that are inalignment with industry standards, integration of industry and education, andemployment creation rates. 2024年開設舞蹈表演、休閑體育、數字媒體藝術設計、新能源材料應用技術、電子商務、軟件技術等六個專業。 In2024, the college will offer six majors: dance performance, leisure sports,digital media art design, new energy material application technology,e-commerce, and software technology.
2.產教融合 2. Integration of Industry and Education 學院實行面向高端行業企業、面向國內外高校的開放辦學,推進校企深度合作,學院既是行業企業員工的學習、培訓、實訓、孵化基地,行業企業也是學院學生的實訓、鍛煉、創業、就業基地,積極開展“校中廠、廠中校”辦學模式,以產業共建為基礎平臺,以產業人才需求引導產業學院建設。 Thecollege implements open education oriented towards high-end industryenterprises and domestic and international universities and promotes in-depthcooperation between schools and enterprises. It serves as a base for industryemployees' learning, training, practical training, and incubation, while itsindustry enterprises serve as bases for students' practical training and experience,entrepreneurship, and employment. It actively adopts the ‘factorywithin a school, school within a factory’ model,building on industrial cooperation as a foundational platform and guiding theconstruction of industry-oriented educational institutions based on the needsof industry talents.
3.人才培養 3. Talent Cultivation 全面貫徹國家產教融合校企合作的現代職業教育方針,大力開展人才培養模式改革。以“學校即職場、教師即師傅、學生即員工、學習即培訓”的職業教育思想組織教學,以場景教學、名師工作室、項目驅動、實時網絡課堂等教學方式培養出“學以致用、知行合一”的具有高技術技能的高素質的應用型職業人才,專業培養融合產業學院,采用“3+1”、“1.5+1.5”、“3+2”等人才培養模式,與國內外知名高校開展本科及研究生學歷教育。 The college fully implementsthe national policy of modern vocational education, which integrates industryand education with cooperation between schools and enterprises. It carries outreforming talent cultivation models with vigor. With the vocational educationphilosophy that ‘schoolis the workplace, teachers are mentors, students are employees, and learning istraining’,the college organizes teaching through scenario-based learning, master studios,project-driven learning, and real-time online classes. It aims to producehigh-quality, application-oriented vocational talents with superior technicalskills and a ‘learningfor practical application, unity of knowledge and action’ ethos.The college integrates professional training with industry-focused education,adopting various talent training models like ‘3+1’, ‘1.5+1.5’, ‘3+2’, andcollaborates with well-known domestic and international universities forundergraduate and graduate education. 八、學院領導介紹 VIII. College Leadership Introduction